Old School Stuffed Peppers

Adapted to use brown rice

Friday, September 22, 2023
- 0 Servings - 0 Calories


2 Cup Brown Rice
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
1 large Onion, diced, or about 1.5 cups
1 Cup Celery, diced
4 Bell Peppers, 1.5 cups diced, rest halved
1.5 Pound Ground Beef
2 Tablespoon Canola (cooking) Oil, or enough to lightly cover bottom of pot
4 cloves of Garlic, diced or pressed (or to taste, I like a lot)
2 Tablespoon fresh Parley, optional
1 14oz can of Diced Tomatoes, (onion, basil, oregano is great)
0.25 Cup Ketchup (optional)
1 Chicken Bullion cube (optional)
Salt, to taste
Black Pepper, to taste


  1. Wash rice. Boil with 4 cups of water, a tablespoon of olive oil, and a dash of salt for about 20 mins or until most of the water has been absorbed. Put halved peppers on top of rice and close lid. Let sit for at least 15 mins, this will let the rest of the water be absorbed and allow the peppers to soften from the steam.
  2. Preheat oven to 350 F.
  3. In a large heavy bottomed low pot, heat about 2 tablespoon canola oil. Add ground beef, break up and cook until thoroughly browned.
  4. Drain some of the oil, you want to keep some but depending on the fat content of your beef, you don't want it to be super greasy.
  5. Add chopped vegetables, stir and fry until softened.
  6. Add garlic and parsley and stir, cook for about 30 seconds.
  7. Add can of diced tomatoes and ketchup. Cook for a couple mins.
  8. Add salt and pepper to taste, going easy on the salt.
  9. Add rice to meat and veggies, mix carefully (you don't want to breakdown the rice so that it becomes mushy.)
  10. In a 9x13 baking dish, scoop mixture into peppers. Then place remaining mixture in dish around an over peppers.
  11. In pot, add about a cup of water and boullion cube. Heat and break up cup. Pour over rice.
  12. Cover with aluminum foil and cook for 45 min to 1 hour.


Nutrition Info


No Sugar-Added Ketchup is really good with this

Note about the brown rice:

Most recipes call for 1 cup instant white rice, but for anyone with glutton or sugar issues, using brown is way better. Only thing is it adds time since you have to cook the brown rice ahead of time. (Fyi, I've tried par-boiling the brown rice so that it can cook a bit in the rice but it stayed just too hard.)


Use 2-6 peppers, depending on their size and how much you like peppers. You do want a min of 2 large, so that you have at least 1 to 1.5 cups diced peppers, even if you don't actually fill any.

For Next Time:

  • Last time I made this I used 1.5 pounds beef and 2 cups dry rice. I didn't end up using all of the rice and it didn't fill the dish all the way. Next time increase the beef to 2 to 3 pounds, keep the rest of the amounts.
  • Maybe add more diced tomatoes



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